Olivia Tanuwidjaja
Olivia Tanuwidjaja


🤓 I'm Olivia, a Full Stack Data Analyst writing about Data Analytics careers, analytics techniques, and fun data explorations [Views are my own]

👩‍💻 I'm an Information Systems and Technology graduate with a postgraduate degree in Business Analytics. I've experienced Data Analytics roles across multiple setups: multinational corporations, hyper-growth start-ups, and tech giants. Each setup has its own pros, cons, and exposures which broaden my thoughts and shaped my writings. 

✍️ I've been a Data Analytics communicator since early 2020, publishing articles across some prominent publications: Towards Data Science, The Startup, and Product Coalition. Some of my popular articles include:

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💫 Thank you for your support of my work. I look forward to sharing more great articles with you. I'm also open to other collaborations --talk, training, coaching, etc. In the meantime, happy to connect on LinkedIn, or my website.

Medium member since January 2020
Olivia Tanuwidjaja

Olivia Tanuwidjaja

Analytics geek🤓, playing with data and beyond 🚀. Views are my own.